Thursday, September 6, 2007

Can eating like an ape improve your health?

he prominence of diseases connected to high cholesterol and blood pressure in the world’s population raises the issue of whether our current western diet is a major factor in the development of cardiovascular illness, hypertension, stroke and diabetes.

Are we paying the price for eating processed foods?

"our group’s total cholesterol fell by 23%"

We took ten volunteers back in time to take a leaf out of the book of our ancestors in order to investigate what impact our short, sharp, shock would have on reducing the risk of fatal illnesses.

At the end of the period we tested the biological markers cholesterol and hypertension as the measures of our success. In just twelve days our group’s total cholesterol fell by 23% and we also saw a sharp decrease in sodium levels.

So, what does this show? That simply by introducing changes into our diet, by aping our ancestors, we can dramatically improve our health.

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