Sunday, April 29, 2007

Calorie chart!!!


Cabbage 45

Carrot 48

Cauliflower 30

Corn (baked) 84

Cucumber 12

Eggplant (Fresh) 24

Eggplant (Cooked) 69

Fenugreek (methi) 49

French Beans 26

Lettuce 21

Onion 50

Peas 93

Potato 97

Potato (fried- 1 cup) 450

Potato (baked- 1 cup) 100

Potato (mashed- 1 cup) 245

Potato (boiled- 1 cup) 83

Pumpkin (cooked) 33

Spinach 26

Tomato (fresh) 21

Tomato (stuffed and baked) 58

Tomato (baked) 39

Fruits (per 100 grams)


Apple 56

Banana 153

Black Grapes 45

Chickoo 94

Cherries 70

Dates 281

Guava 66

Litchies 61

Mango 70

Melon 74

Orange 53

Papaya 32

Peach 50

Pears 51

Pineapple 46

Plums 56

Pomegranate 77

Watermelon 16

Cereals (per 100 grams)


Bajra 360

Maize flour 355

Rice 325

Wheat flour 341

Breads (per slice)


Chapati (wheat bread) (medium) 119

White bread 60

Paratha (not stuffed) 280

Desserts (per 100 grams)


Biscuits 399

Boondi ladoo 150

Cake (with icing) 302

Cake (without icing) 218

Cookies (butter cookies) 482

Custard 205

Fruit pie 236

Fruit salad 80

Gujia 501

Gulab Jamun 387

Halwa (atta) 263

Halwa (rawa) 181

Halwa (sohan halwa) 399

Jalebi 494

Jelly 65

Kheer (rice) 141

Kheer (rice-carrot) 226

Maalpua 325

Sandesh 57

Milk and Milk Products (per cup)


Buffalo milk 115

Butter (100gms.) 750

Buttermilk 19

Cheese 315

Cow milk 100

Cream (100gms) 210

Ghee (100gms) 910

Skimmed milk 45



Coconut water (100 ml) 25

Coffee 40

Honey (1 tbsp) 90

Orange juice (100 ml) 47

Sugar (1 tbsp) 48

Tea 30

Tomato juice (100ml) 22