Thursday, September 6, 2007

Does it matter what breakfast you feed your children?

The brain represents about 2% of body weight of an adult but it consumes 20% of the oxygen and glucose the body produces, even at rest. Glucose is the brain’s main fuel supply and is therefore necessary for mental performance.

Despite the well established fact that increased levels in glucose are associated with better cognition 10-30 % of people in Europe skip breakfast - the first opportunity to replenish the glucose levels in the blood after a long night of fasting.

We all know breakfast is important, but does it matter what type of breakfast? We enlisted one scientist and a classroom full of schoolchildren, to see if we could find out.

"increased levels in glucose are associated with better cognition"

On two consecutive days we got our children to test two different types of breakfast - an English breakfast of scrambled eggs and toast, and an American one of waffles and maple syrup.

We waited three hours for the breakfasts to take effect and then gave the children a frustrating game of swing ball to play. What we were looking for was not swing ball skill, but rather the ability to stay focused on the task in hand and not get frustrated with losing.

So which breakfast proved a winner? Staying power was more prominent after the English breakfast. Why? Because foods like eggs, toast, and oats have a low GI content which means the glucose is released more slowly into the blood keeping you focused for longer.

Can TV make your child fat?

tatistics show that the risk of adult obesity increases by 7% for every additional hour of weekend television watched by 5 year olds. It was originally thought that TV led to a more sedentary lifestyle but there is no conclusive evidence to support this so what’s going on?

"Rosie ate 3 more pieces of pizza when watching TV"

Eleven year old Rosie is active but still slightly overweight. We gave Rosie her favourite food, pizza, on two different evenings, one sitting in front of the television and the other sitting at the table. Rosie ate 3 more pieces of pizza when watching TV which, if she ate pizza every day, would be a whole extra 118 pizzas a year or 81900 calories. Why? It could be that when your brain is distracted by television it ignores your internal satiety signals.

How you eat is as important as what you eat so eat at a dinner table with the television switched off.

Does sugar make kids hyperactive?

Do you dread children’s parties because of the effect all those sugary snacks will have on your child? Does sugar turn your little angel into a little monster?

Are you sure it’s the sugar?

We decided to find out. Enter Becky and Niall. Two five year olds whose occasional out-of-control behaviour their parents’ attribute to sugar. Add two parties, one with sugary snacks and the other sugar-free, and mix well.

Day one, the underwater themed storytelling party. To make sure the experiment was impartial we told Becky’s mum Patricia, and Niall’s dad Michael, that we would be feeding their children a sugar-free lunch. Then we swapped the healthy snacks for the sugary ones.

When it was time for Becky and Niall to go home both parent’s were unsurprised at how calm they were since they believed that the children had consumed a healthy sugar-free lunch.

Day two, the crazy, boisterous, food throwing party. This time we told Becky’s and Nialls’ parents that we would be feeding them a lot of sugar and they prepared for the worst.

"they had both eaten the equivalent of 47.5 cubes of sugar"

The dreaded time arrived and we filmed Niall and Becky on the journey home. Both their behaviour was markedly different to what their parents had witnessed the day before and Patricia and Michael were certain the sugar had some influence.

On revealing our double-bluff Patricia and Michael were astounded by the outcome, especially when we told them that on day one, when the children were calmer, they had both eaten the equivalent of 47.5 cubes of sugar.

The theory that too much sugar makes children hyperactive doesn’t stand up to the tests - it may be that the environment your child is in is the defining factor in how boisterous their mood is. This doesn’t mean sugar get’s off lightly though. It may not lead to hyperactivity but it does make your blood sugar drop which could make your children irritable and distracted.

How do you avoid overeating?

Since the 1970s portion sizes have increased dramatically amongst children and adults. According to psychologists children rely on adults to show them how much to eat so we decided to see if, when doubling portion sizes, children know when their satiety signals are saying stop.

"They ate 73% more on the second day"

We are all born with an efficient system that tells us when we are hungry and when we are full. However, very early in life we are taught to override these signals. When children are presented with a large portion they will eat all of it in spite of feeling full. If children overeat consistently they are going to be overweight.

We took a class full of children and gave them an identical meal on two consecutive days. The difference was that on the first day we gave them the government recommended allowance and on the second day we doubled it.

Did the children know when to stop? Not quite. They ate 73% more on the second day than they did on the previous one. A 2000 study showed that three year olds still heard their satiety signals and stopped eating when they were full. Five year olds, on the other hand, finished their plates no matter what the portion size.

Eating habits are cultivated early on in life- if we are not careful we may be the first generation to outlive our children because of obesity so don’t overfeed your child.

How do you get your kids to eat their veg?

38% of adults will only eat 10 foods. So how do you get your children to eat something that even adults won’t try?

"peer groups are the biggest influence on young children"

Cognitive research shows that peer groups are the biggest influence on young children - if the boy next door is eating it, chances are your child will want a piece of the action.

We brought in four older child-actors to see if their influence could make our vegetable haters change their eating habits. The plan was that by lunchtime our undercover agents would have worked their magic and Isaac, a self-confessed broccoli hater, would be a reformed, vegetable-eating character.

Did it work?

Isaac’s friend Luke, who had earlier claimed to hate peas, witnessed his new found friends eating their veg and attacked his with fervour. Isaac, with a little encouragement, not only tried his broccoli but ate the entire portion without fuss. Now he’s tried it once there’s a chance he will try it again so a week later we film Isaac and his family enjoying a meal at home. Although Isaac still doesn’t like the tomato his mum encourages him to try he needs no persuasion to eat his broccoli.

So, peer groups have a larger influence on children than their teachers or parents so bring in the backup and remember- if you can get your child to try something once there’s a chance they will try it again and again until they like it.

Does restricting food make children want it more?

Research shows that by making foods unavailable they become more attractive. To test this we took a classroom of four and five year olds and examined their reaction to restricted treats over the week.

First, we had to find two foods that all the children were nonplussed about- we tested them with a range of dried fruit snacks and mangos and raisins were equally indifferent in the children’s preferences. Then the fun began. Every day, at snack time, we put the two bowls of snacks side by side and told the children that on the first whistle they had 15 minutes of unrestricted access to the mango. At the second whistle they had only five minutes of snack time to eat the raisins.

"there was a stampede to reach the forbidden fruit"

We watched the children day by day as the mango fell out of favour and the kids began cravin’ raisins. To begin with the children snacked voraciously on the mango but were more excited when it was raisin time. By the end of the week there was a stampede to reach the forbidden fruit, and the mango was looking less and less attractive.

The same kids who were indifferent to both snacks at the beginning of the week couldn’t get enough of the raisins by the end.

So, by restricting snacks you may have the adverse effect of making your children desire them even more and even encourage them to hide their snacking habits.

Can vegetables help you resist infection?

Within the colon there are over 500 bacterial species, making up about 95% of cells in the body. In effect, we are living, breathing, bacteria-carrying monsters!

Good bacteria in the gut break down carbohydrates to create 10 % of our daily energy. They also help the body fight infection and disease by combating the effects of the bad bacteria.

"The prebiotic group managed to increase their good bacteria numbers by 133 million"

We took 8 hard-working cowboys, and divided them into two groups. Half of them were put on a diet of probiotics - cultures containing good bacteria found in foods such as yoghurt. The other half we put on a prebiotic diet - substances found in certain vegetables such as leeks and bananas, which make the pre-existing good bacteria in the gut healthier.

Then we got down to the dirty work. Their poo was examined daily to measure the change in bacteria. If the good bacteria are fed well they should multiply in number and make the ranchers healthier.

The cowboys’ poo showed that the prebiotic group managed to increase their good bacteria numbers by 133 million, small in bacteria terms, but an encouraging effect. The probiotic group saw little change over the week, but over a longer period there’s evidence that they can make a difference.

It seems from our investigation the best thing you can do for your bacterial health is treat your good bacteria to a prebiotic meal. The best vegetables to feed good bacteria are artichokes, garlic, leeks and onions.

Can eating like an ape improve your health?

he prominence of diseases connected to high cholesterol and blood pressure in the world’s population raises the issue of whether our current western diet is a major factor in the development of cardiovascular illness, hypertension, stroke and diabetes.

Are we paying the price for eating processed foods?

"our group’s total cholesterol fell by 23%"

We took ten volunteers back in time to take a leaf out of the book of our ancestors in order to investigate what impact our short, sharp, shock would have on reducing the risk of fatal illnesses.

At the end of the period we tested the biological markers cholesterol and hypertension as the measures of our success. In just twelve days our group’s total cholesterol fell by 23% and we also saw a sharp decrease in sodium levels.

So, what does this show? That simply by introducing changes into our diet, by aping our ancestors, we can dramatically improve our health.

Can water help fill you up? - Soup Diet

There’s a common dieting myth that if you drink a glass of water before you eat you will feel fuller for longer.

But is there any truth in this? We took it upon ourselves to put the water theory up against the latest idea in the science of dieting.

The new buzzword in dieting is satiety - it’s less about reducing your calorie intake and more about eating foods that will keep you satiated for longer.

To illustrate our study we conducted at Nottingham University we took two teams with a love for classic American automobiles and sent them on a road trip through the lonely Nevada desert to see which group would give in to their hunger pangs first.

Both teams were given an identical meal of chicken and vegetables with a glass of water. The only difference was that one team drank the water before they ate, and the other had the water blended with the meal to make a soup.

Then we sat back and waited for the hunger signals to kick in.

In the original study the group who ate the chicken and vegetable soup were satiated for 60 minutes more when compared to the group who drank the water before the chicken and vegetable meal.

"activating our satiety signals can reduce our hunger by up to a quarter"

But why? When we drink a glass of water with our meal our stomach is able to sieve the water from the solids passing quickly from our intestines into the stomach. However, when we combine the water and food in a soup this sieving is prevented and ensures that the water and the nutrients from the food stay together, homogenised, thus entering the intestine at the same time.

Because of the increased volume of the water and solid combined the food stays in our stomach for longer, activating our satiety signals and delaying emptying, which, according to the scientists, can reduce our hunger by up to a quarter.

Which type of food is the most filling?

Many of us think that the best way to fill our stomachs is with a large amount of carbs. But is this the best way to keep us from snacking throughout the day?

We decided to find out. Research shows that eight out of nine subjects ate less after a protein-rich meal than after a protein-poor one.

To illustrate this we recruited three volunteers used to working long shifts and snacking on the job to see if we could give them a meal that would set them up for the long day ahead. We fed each of our recruits a pasta meal - one high in fat, one high in protein and one high in carbohydrates. Then we detained them at Her Majesty’s pleasure just to make sure they couldn’t give in to temptation.

Four hours later we let them loose and carefully observed as they tucked in to a well earned pizza.

"subjects ate less after a protein-rich meal"

The inmate who ate the smallest amount during lunch was the one who had had the protein-rich meal.

So, if you don’t want your hunger getting you in trouble, try a meal high in protein to keep hunger locked away for longer.

Does portion size affect how much we eat?

n 2005 a study in America revealed that the size of a container can powerfully and unknowingly increase how much food a person consumes.

To illustrate this we reconstructed the study to see if a larger container led to an increase in consumption.

We took 150 movie goers and gave half of them large size buckets of popcorn (120g) and the other half extra large ones twice the size (240g). As an added test we even gave half of the audience stale popcorn. Then we waited until the film was over to see just how much they left behind.

"45% more popcorn was eaten"

The results showed that 45% more popcorn was eaten when it was given in extra large containers.

What does this illustrate? That when we supersize snacks our perception of what is an ‘acceptable’ amount to consume increases. So, if you don’t want to eat more than you need, steer clear of supersizing.

The larger the portion the more you will eat.

Does Detox work?

Despite the high profile of detox diets, very little research exists to prove whether it has any measurable value. In this study, we put the diet to the test, finding out if following a strict detox plan can really reduce the body’s toxic load and enhance the efficiency of our body’s innate systems.

"relying on a detox isn’t the solution"

We took ten party animals to a country cottage retreat for ten days to see if a detox diet could recharge their internal batteries. The group was split into two and half the girls were put on a balanced diet, including red meat, alcohol, coffee and tea, pasta, bread, chocolate and crisps (in moderation), with the remainder following a strict vice-free diet.

Can a short, sharp shock really change the levels of toxicity in your body in just a week?

After testing the kidney and liver functions and measuring the antioxidant and aluminium levels in their blood we found there were no differences between the groups.

Which just goes to show, in a binge and purge culture relying on a detox isn’t the solution. Your body has its own way of regulating toxins and a week of suffering won’t change that so you are better off sticking to a balanced diet all the time.

Can spinach save your eyesight?

We’ve all heard that carrots help you see in the dark. But can spinach help prevent sight loss?

In the UK, over 25% of the over 60s have some degree of visual loss because of Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD).

AMD occurs in the centre part of the retina called the macula. It can cause blindness in the centre of the eye, with peripheral vision only remaining.

Part of the retina’s protection is a pigment, lutein, which absorbs UV blue light, the most damaging wavelength of sunlight. Lutein is also thought to be an antioxidant which helps maintain the health of the eye. The pigment itself can only come from diet, and one very good source for this is spinach.

"over 25% of the over 60s have visual loss"

We gave a group of people who have early signs of the disease a six month spinach rich diet - half a bag of fresh spinach a day. We examined their eyesight at the start and end of the diet to see if the spinach helped slow or even repair the damage that old age had wrought on their eyes.

One participant, Joan, who has noticed a decline in her eyesight over the last few years, attacked the spinach diet with fervour and tests show that not only has her condition not degenerated at all over the last three months but that she has even shown some improvement in eye sensitivity.

Can berries improve your memory?

he effects of cognitive changes are usually not noticed until we approach our 70s and beyond. As we age our brain faces increasing damage from inflammation and oxidation leading to a substantial decline in cognitive ability.

"fruit and veg could reverse the effects of ageing"

Given the dramatic rate in which the older population is increasing (the number of those 85 and over is expected to double to more than 1.8 million by 2028) it is crucial we investigate ways to minimise vulnerability of the brain from ageing.

One approach on how to do this might be found in nutrition. Research suggests that antioxidants found in fruit and vegetables might be the key to both stopping and reversing the deleterious effects of ageing on neuronal communication.

And scientists have also discovered that anthocyanins, the colourful antioxidants found in berries, can help protect against diabetes, heart disease, cancer and a range of other age-related diseases.

We took two groups of fun-loving OAPS and tested improvements in their memory over four months of a berry supplemented diet. Over the four months the groups undertook online cognition tests and learnt a new dance.

We asked one group of bowls-mad OAPS to eat a diet high in strawberries for three months. Then we went across the pond and asked their American equivalents to do the same with blueberries. We then tested improvements in their memory over the four months of their berry supplemented diet.

Was there a difference? Well, only some of our group noticed any changes in their memory but larger studies have shown marked improvements. So, if they were to continue to eat a cupful of berries every day for the rest of their lives they might notice a marked improvement in their cognition. If there’s a chance it might work, then there’s no harm in trying.

The scientist who devised this study was Dr James Joseph from Tufts University, Boston, USA.

Is snacking better for your performance?

What is the best way to consume the right amount of calories but not slow down after eating them? New research suggests that how you eat can prove vital in how long you keep going.

In Montana, Oregon, summers are hot and humid. Amongst 22 million acres of forest wild fires spread, well, like wildfire. For this reason it is essential that the fire fighters controlling the flames are energised and alert at all times.

"those who grazed on FSRs completed 25% more work"

The test was conducted by Brent Ruby, University of Montana, Missoula. He fed teams of forest fire-fighters on either their standard packed lunches which were eaten all at once, or on specially made First Strike Rations (FSRs), designed to be eaten on the go over a long period of time.

He found that those who grazed throughout the day on FSRs completed 25% more work on their 10-12 hour shifts than those on packed lunches.

People in physically demanding jobs need a consistent supply of glucose and other nutrients. If this supply comes all at once blood rushes to the gut to help digest the food. This temporarily reduces the blood supply to the rest of the body, which means the muscles can't work as efficiently. Snacks need less energy to digest so less blood rushes to the gut, which allows it to be used by working muscles and should mean the snackers are able to work harder.

The consultant on the study was Brent Ruby, professor at the Department of Health and Human Performance Exercise Science Program at the University of Montana, Missoula.

Does drinking two litres of water a day improve your skin?

It’s common knowledge that drinking two litres of water a day will keep us properly hydrated. But is this true, or another myth?

We enlisted the help of beauty conscious twins Susie and Alice to see if we could solve the mystery. We asked one of them, Susie, to give up their two litre daily bottled water addiction to measure how their body, and more importantly, beauty was affected. They got their fluids from tea, coffee and soft drinks instead.

"we lose approximately 2 litres of water each day"

Five days later we conducted some rigorous tests to see what had happened to the water-starved twin. Was her skin in a state of stress? Not really, no.

In fact, both Susie's moisture and elasticity showed no major change after five days. Why? Well, a reasonably inactive adult (like most of us who work in offices) loses approximately two litres of water each day through breath, sweat, urine, and faeces, which is where the myth that we need those two litres a day may have originated.

All drinks we have during a day, apart from alcohol, count towards making up this amount - including tea and coffee - and more than a third of our water needs comes from our food.

Does caffeine give us a mental edge?

Caffeine is the most widely used psycho-stimulant substance in the world. As office hours get longer so does our coffee consumption with global consumption estimated at over 120,000 tons per annum.

But does caffeine really have any benefits on our mental performance? The wide array of available information on the subject can be confusing so we tried to test it out for ourselves.

"decaf had reduced blood pressure, reduced anxiety and improved sleep"

Enter DJ David Sheppard and roving reporter Maggie Philbin, two self-confessed coffee addicts who rely on their liquid fixes to get them through their gruelling 5am starts. We put one of them through cold turkey for a week to see what happens to brain function when caffeine is removed.

By testing their concentration, reaction times, hand steadiness, blood pressure and mood at various points over seven days we were able to compare this data to the data taken when we gave them back their poison at the end of the week. Neither of them knew who had been given the decaf substitute.

It is thought coffee users perform better after they have imbibed a cup of coffee. But is this due to a net benefit of caffeine or might it be that coffee addicts have an impaired mental performance before drinking coffee because they are in a state of withdrawal?

By the end of the week David, who was on the decaf, had reduced blood pressure, reduced anxiety and improved sleep. The caffeine withdrawal affected his alertness, hand steadiness and reaction time, plummeting on day two and slowly restoring itself by days six and seven. His performance at the end of the trial, after a full withdrawal, was as good as it was before which shows the caffeine only had an effect insomuch as his body was craving it.

David was so affected by his withdrawal that there were even murmurings of the team switching to decaf as a permanent measure.

Does caffeine give us the edge over decaf users? No. Once we've recovered from caffeine we can do just as well without it.

Can Omega 3 reduce your stress levels?

Fish is often credited for everything from combating depression to alleviating the symptoms of arthritis. We investigate recent research that has found there are componants in oily fish, part of a group of fatty acids called Omega 3, that may improve the way we cope with stress.

"really made a difference on their stress levels"

With this in mind we searched for a group of people known for having stressful jobs who would benefit from an improvement in memory. Step forward our London cabbies - famed for suffering the consequences of irate customers if they fail to meet expectations.

We took ten London cabbies and fed them on a diet of four portions of oily fish a week for 12 weeks. They were tested before and after the 12 weeks to see what affect the increased intake of oily fish had on their stress levels and memory.

After the diet, we found that out cabbies were better able to deal with stressful situations and their visualisation-based memory had also improved significantly, something Omega 3 is believed to help with. As a group, their stress hormone as a whole was down by 22% and their anti-stress hormone up by 12%.

Since the study included only ten participants and had no control group the results are not statistically significant but may be an indication towards the benefits of Omega 3. Certainly for our cabbies three months of a fish boost really made a difference on their stress levels and heart rates.

N.B. Women thinking of getting pregnant, or who are pregnant should try and avoid fish which may conatain high levels of mercury -

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Can tomatoes protect your skin?

There is a magical component in tomatoes that research is beginning to show could protect our skin from UV damage from sunburn. It’s called lycopene and it is a very effective antioxidant.

About 85% of lycopene in the western diet is obtained only from tomatoes and the best place to find it is in tomato paste.

Our test was to establish whether eating tomato paste could help protect the skin from UV damage and UV-induced reddening. We took 23 women who were used to burning merely at the sight of the sun and asked half of them to eat 55g of tomato paste every day for 12 weeks (giving them 16mg of lycopene).

"an unbelievable 30% increase in skin protection"

As a defence against UV rays, the body tans when exposed to moderate levels of radiation. This helps to block UV penetration and prevent damage to the vulnerable skin tissues deeper down. In order to test the efficacy of tomatoes on our guinea pigs we tested the lowest dose of UV needed to provoke a visible response on their skin. Then we exposed them to a range of UV radiation and compared the damage done to those who ate tomatoes and those who didn't.

After 12 weeks of rigorously following the tomato paste diet we brought our women back to the lab and burnt them all over again. Was it all in vain? When tested again our volunteers on the lycopene diet had a 30% increase in skin protection.

This doesn't mean that you should stop using sun block but it's good to know that simply by increasing tomatoes in your diet you can help protect your skin from the daily sun damage which happens without us even realising.

Is it my metabolism?

From Truth about Food:

Is it my metabolism?

Do you have a friend who can eat anything she wants and never put on weight? Do you simply look at a cake and feel your waistline expanding? Think it’s all down to your metabolism? Think again.

We found two best friends, Becky and Jo, with very different shaped bodies who think that how much you can eat is all down to your metabolic rate.

We decided to dispel this myth once and for all by closely watching, and testing our friends over the course of 10 days. Not completely trusting them to record their food diaries accurately, we also placed cameras around their homes and used our secret weapon- doubly labelled water. Without our volunteers realising, we could see exactly how many calories they were consuming and the energy they used to move around just by examining their daily urine samples. By asking them to keep the food diaries we could also see whether they were being truthful with themselves.

At the end of the week did their urine results match their food diaries? Not quite. Becky and Jo’s urine samples showed that although they did a similar amount of activity Becky ate 50% less per day than Jo.

"the larger you are the higher your metabolic rate"

In fact, the larger you are the higher your metabolic rate, the amount of energy your body uses at complete rest, will be. This is because when your body is at complete rest larger people need more energy to pump the blood around the body and to keep moving. Just as a big car uses more fuel so a bigger person uses more energy.

So, next time you go to blame your metabolism for your weight, remember the cold hard truth - thin people eat less.

10 Foods Tough to Digest

Fried chicken nuggets

Anytime you take a food, dip it in batter and then deep fry it, you turn it into something that can be a bit hard on the gut. Fried foods inevitably are greasy and high in fat, both of which spell trouble for the stomach. If you already suffer from inflammatory bowel disease, greasy foods are especially problematic and can cause symptoms like nausea and diarrhea, says Tara Gidus, a dietitian in Orlando, Fla. To make a healthier version, take frozen chicken nuggets (or use your own breadcrumb batter on chicken breasts) and bake them rather than frying.

The advice to forgo fried for flavorful alternatives is also helpful for other traditionally greasy snacks, like potato chips. To get the crunchy, salty sensation of chips without the unfortunate side effects, look for baked versions of potato chips or switch to low- or no-fat snacks like pretzels, air-popped popcorn or soy crisps.

Spicy food

Hot peppers—such as cayenne or jalapeno—give food a wonderful spicy kick, but they can also irritate the lining of the esophagus on the way down. The result: an unpleasant heartburn-like feeling after you eat. “Even if you try to cool down the heat by adding sour cream, you’re still getting all the spice and the same amount of irritation,” warns Gidus. So rather than trying to mask spice with high-fat cream, opt for milder versions if you routinely suffer side effects.


Most of the unfortunate consequences surrounding this rich delicacy come not from simply eating chocolate, but from overeating it. One small brownie as an occasional treat probably is fine; a triple brownie a la mode probably is not. But anyone who suffers from gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD) can experience problems from even a small portion of chocolate. That’s because chocolate causes the lower esophageal sphincter to relax, allowing stomach acid to come back up.

Citrus juices

These acidic drinks can irritate the esophagus, stimulating the sensory nerves to feel more inflamed. This might feel like acid reflux, but in reality is just irritation. In the stomach, however, the extra acid of the drink can cause other problems. If you haven’t eaten (say, you down a big glass of OJ first thing in the morning), your gut is already full of acid, so adding the extra can give you a stomach ache. And if you’re drinking lemonade that’s sweetened with high fructose corn syrup, watch out: That huge influx of sugar is often a cause of diarrhea.

Mashed potatoes

Nothing seems more benign than a bowl of creamy mashed potatoes. After all, that’s why they rank near the top of the list when it comes to so-called “comfort foods.” But if you happen to be one of approximately 30 to 50 million Americans who are lactose intolerant, you’ll find no comfort in those spuds, since most are loaded with milk or even heavy cream. Make them at home using lactose-free whole milk for the same creaminess minus the after-effects.

Raw onion

Onions and their cousins like garlic, leeks and shallots are filled with a variety of phytonutrient compounds—some of which seem to offer healthy, heart-protective benefits, and some of which cause stomach distress (or it could be the same compounds that do both). Cooking them seems to deactivate some of the problem-causing compounds. But on the chance that you’re also deactivating some of the good stuff, dietician Mary Ryan, suggests using mix of cooked and raw so that you can reap the benefits without suffering the consequences.

Ice cream

There’s no quicker way to determine if you’re lactose intolerant than to sit down with a big bowl of ice cream. The bloating, cramping and gas are clear messages: Your system is trying to tell you to stay away from such rich dairy products. If that’s the case, the only solution is switching to lactose-free frozen treats (such as those made from soy or rice milk). But even if you’re not lactose intolerant, scarfing down a pint of Ben & Jerry’s in one sitting still will give you some stomach trouble. That’s because it’s essentially all fat, and fat lingers in the stomach longer than other foods before getting digested.

Broccoli and raw cabbage

These fiber- and nutrient-rich vegetables are incredibly healthy, but they are also well-known for causing gas buildup in the gut. Fortunately, the solution is simple. “Cooking them—or even just blanching them slightly—will deactivate the sulfur compounds that cause gas,” explains Ryan.


Beans have such a notorious reputation for causing gastric distress that they even spawned their own rhyme (come on, you all know it! “Beans, beans …”). And there is some truth to it. The enzyme needed to break down beans is found only in our stomach bacteria. And if you don’t routinely eat beans, you might not have enough of this enzyme to comfortably digest them. The result, of course, is gas and bloating. Cooking beans in soup can help—the extra fluid will help digest the large amounts of fiber beans contain, and the extra cooking time will start breaking the beans down even before you eat them. By adding beans to your diet gradually, you will help build up the enzyme necessary to digest them without issue.

Sugar-free gum

Sorbitol, the ingredient found in many sugar-free gums, candies and diet bars and shakes, can cause an uncomfortable buildup of gas in your gut. Check the labels before you buy to see if you can find sugar-free products that use less troublesome sugar substitutes. Amount also is an issue, warns Gidus. Most people can handle two or three grams without any problems, but a product that packs 10 or more grams will undoubtedly be tough on the digestion.

Some takeaway tips to help you to downsize:

  1. We all know that the bigger the container the more of it we’ll eat. So do yourself a favour and downsize rather than supersize.
  2. Examine your portion sizes carefully - keep the evidence around until you have finished eating.
  3. Increase the amount of protein in your meal without increasing the calories.
  4. If you can’t cut down on the calories you are consuming, try a bit of NEAT activity:
  1. 15 min moderate walking will burn 52 extra kcal.*
  2. 15 min hoovering / dusting will burn 38 extra kcal.*
  3. 15 min weeding will burn 52 extra kcal.*
  4. 15 min moderate car washing will burn 43 extra kcal.*
  5. 15 min recreational cycling will burn 45 extra kcal.*

(* Based on a 40 year old female of 5’5" tall who weighs 12st 7lb and is moderately sedentary).

  1. If you think eating slow might benefit you: Time yourself eating a meal and then eat the exact same meal at another time, 50% slower. See if you are more satiated afterwards.
  2. Eat soup as a starter to your meal and water down soups and casseroles.
  3. If you’ve tried lots of diets and still find it difficult keeping off extra weight you could try writing down everything you eat in a food diary. Remember, everything counts - sometimes we forget how many calories we’ve actually consumed throughout the day and a diary may help.

Allergy-Fighting Superfoods


A British study of 2,512 middle-aged men showed that those who ate five apples a week had significantly higher lung function than those who ate no apples. Experts believe apples contain healthy compounds, including antioxidants that improve lung health.

Canola Oil

Canola oil is a source of allergy-fighting omega-3 fatty acids. Other sources include soybean oil, flaxseed oil, walnuts and wheat germ.

Cold-Water Fish

The following fish are rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids: mackerel, anchovies, herring, salmon, sardines, lake trout, Atlantic sturgeon, and tuna. To get the most benefit, either bake or poach the fish. Eat two or three servings per week.

Magnesium-Rich Foods

Some studies have demonstrated that people with asthma are magnesium deficient. Magnesium-rich foods include spinach, navy beans, pinto beans, sunflower seeds, tofu, halibut, cashews, artichokes and black-eyed peas.

Olive Oil

Since it's monounsaturated, consider using extra virgin olive oil as your main source of fat.


Eat ginger and turmeric regularly for their anti-inflammatory effects.

Zinc-Rich Foods

Some studies have demonstrated that people with asthma are zinc-deficient. Zinc-rich foods include plain yogurt, tofu, lean ground beef, lean ham, oysters, crab, and the dark meat of turkey and chicken.