Tuesday, June 5, 2007


Potatoes rank highest, 7 times higher than the least filling food, croissants

Whole grain bread is 50% more filling than white bread.

Cakes, doughnuts, and cookies (high in fat and sugar) are amongst the least filling

Oranges and apples outscore bananas

Fish is more satisfying, per calorie , than lean beef or chicken

Popcorn is twice as filling as candy bar or peanuts

Curd has more than twice as much calcium as cottage cheese

Apples kept at room temperature will soften and spoil ten times faster than when kept in the refrigerator

Fish and shell fish are comparable to, and sometimes below, meat and poultry in cholesterol content. Shrimp is the exception, with 170 mg cholesterol in a 100 gms serving. That doesnt mean that one should never eat shrimp, but it might be wise to limit it to 100 gms a week

Vegetables that are actually fruits:







Lady Fingers




One cup of whole milk has more calories and saturated fat than 4 stripes of bacon

Don't assume that light beers are light in alcohol. Most brands contain nearly as much alcohol as regular beer. The "light" refers to calories; and the drop in calories comes from a reduction in carbohydrates, not alcohol

Half cup of most vegetables, contain 2 to 3 grams of fibre and a half cup of beans contain 6 gms of fibre

Vitamin A: One medium carrot has 4 times your daily needs.

Vitamin C: Just half cup of red bell pepper (capsicum) provides more than twice your RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance)

Folate: One cup of cooked black eyed peas (Lobia) provides 90 % of your daily requirement)

Iron: 3 steamed clams meat your daily iron needs.

Magnesium matters

A low level of this mineral may put you at risk for heart disease, osteoporosis, and diabetes. To get your daily 320 mg, reach for spinach, beans, nuts and cereals.

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